I love my black kitty! And I’m not ashamed.
Best friends

I love my black kitty! And I’m not ashamed.
Max sneakily opened the oven and ate 7 of my 8 kangaroo sausages … Naughty boy lol
Stay away! These are all my pink dollies.
Bonne wants one of Lucy’s pink dollies, but Lucy won’t share. Lucy has 4 pink dollies and she always needs one to sleep with.
The puppy climbed in the shower, then pooped cause she was scared of the water
Loki the husky decided at random to mark the closet door as he and I were walking down past it to go for a run. He is the only dog in the house, there was no reason for this crime. He showed no remorse, and smiled in the face of his sign of shame.
Kona, a 1 year old Boxer falls asleep every time she gets into a vehicle – within the first 5 minutes.
I have no idea how my muzzle got orange… but it wasn’t because I jumped on the sofa table and ate your bowl of chili. (p.s.– it was Deeee-licious!)
Daisy “Chili Muzzle” Mae
Helping Mom with grad school… I know this took a while to make but it looked too yummy to pass up.
This is Pippa. Pippa chews Ikea furniture like she chews bones. Maybe it has a special Swedish flavor?