We may look cute and innocent now, but turn your back and we’ll eat your couches, deour designer shoes, and generally make sure that you can’t have nice things. We ruin EVERYTHING! Love, BoBailey and Roxie
Pit Bull Demolition Crew

We may look cute and innocent now, but turn your back and we’ll eat your couches, deour designer shoes, and generally make sure that you can’t have nice things. We ruin EVERYTHING! Love, BoBailey and Roxie
Jackson looooves pizza!
Maymo the lemon beagle fails at making everyone a nice lunch of sandwiches. Fortunately, Maymo is able to utilize the half loaf of bread he didn’t destroy by turning it into a very fashionable bread hat.
To keep abreast of Maymo’s mischievous activities, check out his facebook page here or his youtube page here.
All morning I thought Oakley was chewing on one of his bones with my computer chord resting nicely underneath him. Later on when I noticed the light on my charger was off, I realized he had been gnawing through the chord! Good thing he didn’t get zapped!
While having a party Otis the 8 year old Mastiff decided to help herself to the turkey which was still on the rotisserie!
Moms, I’m sure you’re unaware of all the extra flavor you left inside these chicken stock cartons. I forgive you, though. I found it all by myself.
Scout is a 9-pound Chihuahua mix. She is normally laid-back, sweet and completely lacking in mischief. We left the house for 30 minutes to find this mess in the living room and an even larger mess in the kitchen. Apparently chicken stock in the recycling basket is her Achilles’ heel.
The sign says, “Mom and Dad paid $400 after I destroyed their last apartment. Here’s how I decorated their new place. Love, Lolo”
He messed up these blinds less than a week and a half after we moved into our new place.
The sign says: “I am NOT allowed to sleep on this couch! Also, I snore”
This is my dog Roope, and this is what he does every time we stay at my parents place. He knows he is not allowed to sleep on the couch, but he sneaks in while all the people are sleeping and does it anyway. This time I got a photo!
I hate it when my person sticks me in my crate! So, one day I waited for her to arm the alarm and go to work. Then, I attacked the glass water bottle hanging on my crate until it fell on the floor, shattering into lots of sharp pieces. Boy, did that thing make a loud noise! It set off the alarm’s glass break detector and about 30 minutes later, the cops showed up. My person received a huge false alarm fine! She had to go to alarm school. Serves her right!
“I ate a plate of scones that mom made for the season premiere of Downton Abbey.”