Our cockapoo, Mike, likes to get up in the middle of the night and steal used tissues from the trash can. He shreds them all over the floor, then hops back into bed. Sometimes, he raids all the trash cans he can reach and speads the pieces all over the house. In the morning, he avoids us and the scene of the crime and is “shameful” when we scold him for it. When you call him, he hangs his head and practically crawls on his belly to the mess Why does he do it? Apparently, he likes the smell (or the taste) of boogers and Kleenex…
This is Kal-El (superman!) our 4 month old lab/collie cross. He chews all the eyes and ears off his new toys, makes a hole in the heads and then pulls out all the stuffing, then has hours of fun playing with the empty skin! He is never sorry.
Angel has been caught several times eating cat poop from the litter box. She will either leave evidence on the floor, be caught with her head in the box or have litter on her chin. It is time she is recognized for her naughty behavior!
Bella-Blue’s (Yorkie) sign says “I bit my brothers tail. (And don’t care.)”
Nico’s (GSD) sign says “She hurt my feelings.”
While siting on the couch tonight Bella-Blue decided she didn’t like Nico being so close to her so she bit his tail! Nico jumped up, scared because he was sound asleep, then went to the floor and started to lick his tail as if she really hurt him. Bella then stretched out on his spot on the couch and went to sleep. So naughty!