“I literally ate a pair of mom’s underwear …. and then barfed them back up.”
– Ewing the Labradoodle
Panty Monster

“I literally ate a pair of mom’s underwear …. and then barfed them back up.”
– Ewing the Labradoodle
“The dryer was loud and scary. Was.” Sidda, the rat terror, strikes again!
I hope to shame him for many years to come.
Hi, my name is Abby, and I am a compulsive pillow licker
I ate my little mistress shoe for her birthday <3
J’ai mangé la chaussure de ma petite maîtresse pour son anniversaire <3
Sometimes I bark at the evil humidifier so obviously the filter had it coming!
Linus is 4 months old and his appetite knows no bounds. Metal chain – he’ll chew it; chew deterrent sprays – he’ll lap it up like candy; punishment spray bottle of water – he’ll drink it and beg for more. I don’t know why we thought our walls would be safe.
Just not sure if it’s the right shade for his complexion.
I left to go to dinner and decided to leave my Weimaraner, Lucy, and Mastiff/Pitt mix, Abby, out for the evening. When I got home, I was greeted by flour tracks all over my house, and Lucy’s teeth caked with flour paste. Abby was spotless, but Lucy was covered. I honestly don’t even know where she found the flour.
The picture says, “I ate half a bag of flour, and tracked the other half around the house. My mom had to scrape flour-paste out of my teeth. I’m not even sorry. <3 Lucy”
My patient picked fresh nectarines for me. Pixie felt the need to inspect the produce while I was gone.
Guilty of scattering 12 nectarines all over the dining & living room floor!