I like baby food.
Baby Weight

I like baby food.
I have been meaning to tell you…I think this pillow is ugly!
What do you mean I’m not supposed to eat the entire bag??
Simon likes to find the sneakiest places in the house to poop, even if we’ve just taken him outside.
Sophie was left alone for less than 1 hour and ate this chair.
My Goldens always smile especially when they are bad.
One chews everything and the other digs everywhere.
My weenie dog Ellie loves my dad Leo’s scent. While I was home visiting my parents she jumped on his side of the bed and began rolling in his scent and then hopped up and relieved herself on the comfortor. Bad Ellie Bug!
Frisco is a yellow lab who eats everything. Today it was the garbage. It was an unfortunate site after work but at least it wasn’t as bad as when he ate a bag of flour…
Pupsik the swiss sheperd doesn’t think he gets enough love. So he stands by the kitchen door and stares pathetically at his doting mummy until she leaves what she is doing and plays with him!!!!