Jackson is a terrier cross, approximately 8 years old. He adopted me from the Casper, WY Metro Animal Control. I love him to pieces, but he can most certainly be a pill at times, as evidenced by his sign. Jackson’s sign reads, “I pee on any & all packaging materials. My favorites are plastic grocery sacks & cardboard boxes.”
Pelusa is a three year old mutt rescued from a city bus terminal by a Peace Corps Paraguay Volunteer. She now lives at said volunteer’s house and receives love, attention and lots of food daily, but her street-dog habits have not left her.
After a rough night of food poisoning, the bucket-a-yuck was placed outside, which Pelusa decided was a delicious treat just for her. She was pretty upset when it was taken away from her, and clearly wanted more. Gross!
I was looking for my sock earlier, but couldn’t find it. Later, when I was taking Ranger to his dog training class, he regurgitated the sock onto the passenger seat of my car. How helpful.
I’m Princess Leia. I figured out how to open the drawer in the bedside table with my bare paws! I found exciting things, like Mommy’s lipgloss. A princess must keep her lips and teeth glossy. I am not sorry, because it was yummy!