We bought a watermelon, set it on the table, and walked away for a little while to do other things. When we came back, our 8 month old shiba inu puppy was lying down feasting on melon and making a mess spitting out rind. When we went to take the picture, she got all excited thinking she was getting her treat back. No treat, only shame!
Posts Categorized: Submitted
Getting Shamed by a six-year old
We kept finding poop on our washer and dryer when we got home from work. So my 6 year old daughter Annabelle, decided to make her this hat. It says, “I poop on the dryer and washer”
Pink is IN!
I pried open the pantry and took the food colouring and chewed it up on the couch and bed while mom and dad slept.
Giving you my Best Moves
Liam decided to taste-test the cord on the brand new steamer. He’s lucky that he is irresistibly adorable.
Here Comes the SpiderDog
I climb this tree to escape over the back fence. Today I got stuck. I am SpiderDog
You Always Wanted a Small Wedding, no?
My fiancĂ© and I left to go to the spa and when we came home I found my notebook on Sally’s bed! I opened it up and the 5 pages of our wedding guest’s addresses were GONE! There was evidence all over the couch and on her bed!
Hot Date With the Veterinarian Tonight!
After his morning run followed by breakfast, Frankie broke into the laundry while I was in the shower and helped himself to his big brother’s bag of food – about 4kg worth! A trip to the emergency vet and an overnight stay in hospital turned it into a very expensive meal.
The Head-Butt of the Joke
I rolled in poop and then head-butted my mom when she tried to dry me after my subsequent bath.
PS. she had just bathed me less than 48 hours ago.
PPS. I may have also eaten the poop as my breath stinks!
Sigh, not Again!
I go in the shower, turn around & close the door, then I can’t get out. Skittles
Helping with Vet Student Exams
My Mum’s not going to be a very good small animal vet…
Because my farts make her heave!!!