I guess this was Bones’ way of telling me I use too much butter….
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World’s Biggest Coward
I weigh 1000 lbs but I’m afraid of the WIND.
My name is Lilly and I’m an 11-year-old Arabian pony. Jumping over 3’6″ fences doesn’t faze me bit, but the wind whistling by my ears will send me running for cover (with or without a rider on my back). I’m a coward and kind of a jerk!
What? Nothing to see here.
Left Remy alone for 5 minutes. Came back to this scene…he had something to say about it!
Laundry Undo-er
“I pull clean laundry off the line to make a bed. I don’t care if it gets dirty!”
At least Shadowfax knows which sheet is hers – she pulls off the sheet I use to cover the back seat of the car where she rides, rather than the bed sheets.
Classic Rock CDs, My Favorite Flavor!
“I destroyed my dad’s favorite CDs.” We came home to find our retired racing greyhound, Zoomer, had found our CD holder and destroyed my husband’s favorites – AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, etc. This was the strangest thing she destroyed to date.
The Muffin Man
While left under the care of the babysitter, Amos helped himself to THIRTEEN banana muffins, wrappers and all. Muffin Man indeed.
I used to have a toy basket
Came home to the girls toy basket destroyed
A leash is not a challenge
Leashes are prohibitive? No. They aren’t.
I don’t understand…I only took the top off!
Proof that dogs can be sneaky- after stealing the freshly delivered pizza from the kitchen, Sampson proceeded to eat the topping only then leave the scene of the crime to hide upstairs. The only evidence he left behind was his cheese and tomato sauce smothered face!
I brought you a present…
Caption: I destroy packages, but I always save the biggest piece of cardboard as a peace offering for mom.
Hayley Bean: 1 year old boxer and destroyer of all things cardboard.