Every time the door bell rings, Bella barks and runs and jumps up on the door. So…every time the door bell rings, Bella’s mom frantically runs to the door screaming for Bella to “get down”. This time, she was not fast enough and Bella put both paws through the glass. Thankfully, no one was hurt. 🙂
Posts Categorized: Submitted
Ogden does it again
My mom brought me into the office to make friends , and instead I peed on the floor…twice.
Doornob Eating Pitbull
My name is CoCo and sometimes I get the urge to eat doornobs
Can’t be trusted…
“I broke a plate and ate my moms lunch off of it”
Manicure Diva
I expect my mom to give me manicures. I’m a diva.
Buster is a great (male) dog, but he demands to be pampered regularly.
Got Hangers?
The sign says it all,
Rambo = )
Bobo the Wonder Dog
I tip over the bathroom trash can and shred the used tissues all over the floor.
I’m in time out in the trash can. And I’m mad.
I will still lick it!
I WILL STILL LICK IT. Can. You. Hear. Me. Now?
my dad as a bed
Our girl Molly likes to sleep on me while watching television.
Carpet barfer
My whole downstairs is wood. But when I get into the garbage and then get sick, I choose to go upstairs on the carpet to barf in 4 places. (Yes, I’m okay.)