When Wheel of Fortune is on, I bark EVERY TIME someone gets a letter because I think it’s the doorbell.
– Bailey
Wheel of Fortune

When Wheel of Fortune is on, I bark EVERY TIME someone gets a letter because I think it’s the doorbell.
– Bailey
Sign says: Sometimes I fart so loud that I scare myself and run away! Love, Lucy
Lucy will just be walking around and all of a sudden you hear this big fart and she will run away and look at you concerned like “What was that noise?!”
Mo goes out to the neighbors farm daily and digs up treasures unknown. Judging by the levels of mud on her legs they hide their treasure deep some days.
Upon entering the kitchen, we discovered this. Our 3 moth old puppy Zuli has managed to poop in the water bowl.
Heard one of our bigger dogs drinking from the toilet, went to check it out and you can see my Boxer wearing my 3 year kid’s toliet adapter. It was easy to find the culprit… 🙂
I can’t keep my chiweenie Snookie from sleeping on my laptop. She’s cold natured and I’m assuming it warms her up.
Cargo…. The sock thief…. Loves to keep one from each set as a trophy to remind him how many he has buried
I like to eat rugs when I am not getting enough attention! Sorry mom it was good!… This was the 5th rug he ate and all happened when we were home Just in different rooms!
I launched myself into my mom during downward dog. (looked like a play bow to me).
She thinks her nose may be broken.
I came home to find my puppy ate the charger for my tablet that I use for work every single day!