Our pug Mesha has these surprise audible farts that make her look at her backside and bark. With shame.
Mesha’s backfire.

Our pug Mesha has these surprise audible farts that make her look at her backside and bark. With shame.
My dogs Lucky (who is pictured) and Molly tripped me going down the stairs where I proceeded to break my foot. Now I am out for 4 weeks.
My mother’s miniature dachshund girls both ate her dad’s hearing aids when he came to visit.
Text reads “Granddad had two hearing aids…we ate them both”
“I got tired of being a pibble, so I decided to become a pretzel.”
Lilly, or as she is more commonly known, “Silly Lilly”, is a joy to have in our home. She lives in Frederiksburg, VA and is being adopted through Bully Paws. She is a playful, fun loving young girl who can instantly make you smile! Like most young pups, Lilly likes toys but she LOVES tennis balls. As long as you will throw one she will chase it, she even brings it back when called! Lilly has been working hard and has already learned “sit” “down” “paw” and “drop it”. Lilly loves to play with her foster brothers and sisters but won’t hesitate to snuggle on the couch when the day is over. Lilly is a very social girl who does great with other dogs, does well with cats, and she absolutely LOVES kids. All she needs now is her forever home!! For more information on her, click here.
Hundley is located in the Cedar Rapids, IA. Hundley was recently picked up by Last Hope Animal Rescue at an auction of a closing puppy mill. Potty training has been a challenge, since he is 9 years old and just learning. He is currently in a foster home and is his foster mom’s shadow! He came to us with very bad teeth and has since had all but two removed. It doesn’t stop him though! He is a very happy, social little guy! If you are interested in adopting Hundley click here.
Winnie was featured on Adoptable Fridays a couple months ago and has found a forever home! His foster mom just couldn’t let him go! Now he spends his days playing with his doggy sister and getting a ton of attention. There are still a ton of great dogs who need forever homes through Hope Rescues located in the Alton, IL area! Thank you for showing all the great dogs who need homes!
Sable destroyed a dog bed in about 10 minutes. She is available for adoption through Red Banks Rescue in Holly Springs, MS. Sable is a two year old catahoula leapord dog who recently had a litter of 11 pups (all of which have been adopted) and she LOVES kids. For more information on Sable, click here.
This is Roxy. She likes to eat her family’s things. Only the new things though. She is a VERY BAD dog.
My name is Jozie and I ran away from my owner and sister to chase a rabbit and some how ended up in the neighbors pond! The only reason my owner caught me is because I hate being wet!
Came home from a long day that included being in a car accident to my Boxer Abbey playing with the TP. She could work on her timing a bit, but I couldn’t help but laugh.