Spunky is a 10 year old fox terrier who doesn’t appreciate the antics of her new sister! When she was scolded for snapping at the puppy she hid under the bed!
Spunky ain’t so sweet

Spunky is a 10 year old fox terrier who doesn’t appreciate the antics of her new sister! When she was scolded for snapping at the puppy she hid under the bed!
Victor got into my backpack and opened a bag of blue corn chip and ate them all. The next couple times we took him for a walk, his leavings had a crunchy coating.
Beasley only sits here when Daddy is gone. If he hears the garage door open, he quickly moves to an approved resting location. When I tell him to get down, he pretends that he is deaf.
Porky managed to pick up and carry home a live toad during his evening walk. We had no idea he had it in his mouth until he spit it out into his sister, Petunia’s, dog bed. I went over to see what he carried home (it’s usually leaves, rocks, sticks) and his “prize” jumped out of the bed and scared me half to death. I caught it before he could pick it up again and let the poor thing go outside. It seemed to have survived it’s Pug Abduction unscathed. Porky was a little irritated at the loss of his catch.
Our dog decided to hunt for bacon in our wall.
Peanut Pants is almost 12 years old, so when we had our first baby recently, I wanted to do something nice for her and spent two weeks sourcing Okinawan fabric and sewing this bed for her. She has recently decided that this crusty old toy box made without love is more suitable.
Tariq is a 16 month old husky-retriever mix and crazy about vegetables (seriously). He figured out how to get to a big bowl of vegetables on the kitchen table and gently take one tomato off the vine and sneak away to his bed with it. On one hand, that’s a very bad dog, on another he wasn’t terribly greedy about it!
Monty chewed a dozen pairs of undies over the course of his month long stay. He always felt really bad afterwards though, as you can see.
Buzz McGee was adopted as a year old stray. He chases the cats, he doesn’t come when he’s called, he raids the garbage, his farts clear a room, and he snores even when he is awake. I foster for the Quincy Humane Society and while Buzz loves the puppies and kittens, he is rude to the adult dogs – he pees on them when they urinate in his spot. But he keeps me laughing, even when he’s at his worst. And life is never ever ever dull with him.
Mom called this Alcatraz… But you can call me Sean Connery.
Ladybug figured out that if she pulled enough on the crate she could collapse a side and wiggle her way free. So the next time she was put in her crate, I secured it with bungee cords making sure she couldn’t get out!! When she couldn’t get any side to fall she started on the bars… pulling until they broke off and made a hole just big enough to squeeze her way out!!
Editor’s note: This could be a case of separation anxiety. I suggest that you monitor ladybug if you’re going to crate her as she could seriously harm herself while trying to escape.