My 2 year old Great Dane, Bruno, thinks he shares the bed only with his mommy. He only chews up my husbands pillows, never mine. Lol.
I already told him, this is my bed!

My 2 year old Great Dane, Bruno, thinks he shares the bed only with his mommy. He only chews up my husbands pillows, never mine. Lol.
“I ate half a plate of mom’s spaghetti when she went to get the mail. I HAVE NO SHAME!! I am a BAD GIRL!!” – Zooey
Miss Penny Laneā¦ No matter how obnoxious she is, she is still pretty darn cute!
Wilson would rather read something else…..
I’m Yggam (Maggy spelled backwards). I was accused of pooping in the middle of my neighbor’s bed. I am no longer allowed to visit. I was framed by one, if not all, of their three cats. They pooped on the bed. I shall have my revenge.
I go potty in the same spot EVERY DAY!! I’m lucky that I’m so cute!
Editor’s note: If your dog is peeing in the same place over an over, it’s probably because you haven’t fully cleaned the pee and neutralized the smell. Make sure you clean the carpet VERY thoroughly, with a pet accident cleaner.
“I decapitated the patron saint of animals – Dexter”
Dexter here obviously wasn’t too pleased with our recent decorating ideas.
“Felony” pooped in the tray of the copier. I went to go make a copy and guess what came out? I have no idea how long it had been in there. Disgusting! You can see how she earned her name. It’s a good thing she is absolutely adorable.
I’m 6 years old and I still choose to take dumps in my mom’s house.
Editor’s note: If your dog is still pooping in the house after six years, maybe you should alter your training methods or ask your vet about it?
This is Laursen, when we popped to the shops for a max of 15 mins we came home to find he had eaten a whole box of biscuits! It wasn’t just that he had eaten the biscuits, he had to get under his bowl stand, push a chair and reach under the back of the chair behind a box to the biscuits to then not damage the box but tip the biscuits out on to the rug and eat them in the space of 15minutes!!!! This is one clever dog!!!