Benny claimed the pillow attacked him first…
Benny and the pillow

Benny claimed the pillow attacked him first…
I ripped the leash away to chase a skunk. Dad lunged after me and fell. The skunk squirted him in his eyes and up his nostrils. He vomited and threw up in the neighbor’s driveway, and couldn’t find me because he was blinded for several minutes. I got a trip to the groomer the next day, that’s why I look so fine. Dad took a “skunk day” off work.
My story: I left 8 month old Winnie in the car for 30 seconds and came back to 25 lbs of soil/manure spread all over my brand new car!
Winnie’s story: my mom left me alone for at least, I don’t know, like 30 hours, and while she was gone I smelled this wonderful aroma coming from this big bag. I knew right away it was a treat for me because, well, everything is a treat for me isn’t it? So I opened my present and rolled around in it and even snacked on it a bit, mmmm yummy! I don’t understand why mom wasn’t excited when I showed her how good I’d been while she was gone. Shame shmame, I’m pretty proud of myself 🙂
She’s laying here because she’s my pillow…right?
Dotte doesn’t care who you are, but if you’re on her couch…she will lay on you. Clearly, she has no shame. We love her anyway!
I rolled on the bare mattress while Mommy washed the sheets. There was so much fur that even the vacuum could not get it off. 🙁 Thank goodness for extra sticky Gorilla tape! -Randy
“I like to eat the bathroom trash and then lick the deodorant off my dad’s armpits because my breath stinks. He doesn’t like this for some reason.” Austin has a bathroom trash and deodorant fetish. He likes to dump the trash and drag it all over the house, then find my husband and try to lick his armpits. It’s weird – he never does one unless he’s done the other!
I ate my mom’s pedometer
I ate EIGHT expired hot dogs out of the garbage!
Daisy eats all the catnip mice. She is the reason the cats can’t have nice things.
I fart myself awake.