Frank waited till his owner was outside getting the paper and he sat on the chair and proceeded to eat an entire pound of bacon along with three pieces of French toast ..
Thanks for the breakfast, but what are you going to eat?

Frank waited till his owner was outside getting the paper and he sat on the chair and proceeded to eat an entire pound of bacon along with three pieces of French toast ..
YOU should be ashamed of your taste in movies! I did you a favor. <3 Abu
The DVD and CD shelves are really the only ones he can reach in the apartment. And why would a dog want to chew up a DVD? WHY INDEED.
“It’ll only be a few minutes… what could he get into?” HAH!
Ran to the store to get more Nature’s Miracle and didn’t do a full perimeter sweep before I left him snoozing on the couch. Returned to this. Outsmarted again.
I was so excited to see mommy come hone until I remembered I ate the carpet AGAIN! Now I’m just sad 🙁
Grissom HATES squirrels. This is not the first time he has ripped the curtains down inside while freaking out about squirrels outside.
“I lay under Mom’s desk and let out farts so vile that she gags while on conference calls. I think I melted her face. Love, Otto.”
Otto is the sweetest golden ever, but don’t let his smile fool you. His toots are viciously toxic.
Penny Bear ate the internet and had to wear the Viking beard hat of shame.
When Tucker is left to his own devices, he forgets what is “right” and what is “wrong”
A friend of mine had brought me a plate of homemade cookies, which I put up high enough to be out of my dog’s reach (a shelf above my counter). Then I left to take floral deliveries….and returned to find a corsage box with the bow/wristlet in it crushed! The box was trash, but the bow/wristlet was still intact somehow (thank heavens!). He was attempting to get at the cookies, but missed. Ace is a 10 year old black Labrador Retriever that comes to my flower shop every day. He’s our “spokes doggie” and many kids come in just to play with him. He’s usually a good dog, but cookies are his kryptonite! LOL!
Snowflake spent all last night reading from the new dog shaming book to his mommy Dyana that they could barely keep their eyes open this morning! Check out mom’s official sign! Wanna know how she got it; by preordering the book!