Good aim!

This is Maymo’s picture from the Dog Shaming book. Maymo’s owner just put the finishing touches on his latest instalment of The ultimate dog shaming part 2!! Wait til the end to see some of the funniest costumes I’ve ever seen.
I bark until my owner goes to bed and make her miss The Daily Show & The Colbert Report.
Andy, our four-month old miniature schnauzer, decided to ignore the high grade dog food (mixed with chicken, no less!) to dig leftover spaghetti out of the garbage. His beard is still orange. He retaliated from the subsequent face bath by ripping the fluff out of his pet bed and shredding several pieces of paper. We can’t clean up one mess before he is into something else! He could have his own dog shaming website, but he is not ashamed.
Stacey and Anna Harkins
“I walked up the stairs and pooped while dad was on a call, now I’m too scared to climb back down; plus dad is :-< that I pooped” -Rocky
Hi! My name is Chaplin and I have silent but deadly farts!! I like to give mommy and her coworkers air biscuits!!
“It’s my fault we have NO grass in the backyard anymore. ” The yard never stood a chance! And he’s only 1 year old!
Bo gets excited and eats his treats too quickly then vomits them up and proceeds to then eat his vomit!
I noticed the star fish was missing from the wall and asked the kids, they said no. Then I carefully looked at the walls and there was scratches from his nails! We couldn’t find ANY part of it ANY where! He stared to eye others so we took down all the starfishes, the shells will probably be next. He has NO shame.
Left to her own devices, Margot has eaten more books than her mother publicly cares to admit.