She’s a golden retriever but she never retrieves gold.
This dog doesn’t live up to his breed!

She’s a golden retriever but she never retrieves gold.
We have a lovely magnolia tree in our backyard and Emmett feels the need to bark at all the petals falling off. Guess he’s not real guard dog material.
I’m allowed on the bed, but I choose to sleep like this. – Brick
Brick, the 130-lb Great Dane, prefers to bask in the sun. Even if it means perching himself on the edge of the bed.
Lucky is so sweet. He loves to leave me little gifts in my bed. It’s never a “full poop”, if you will… just a marble of disgusting disappointment.
He was really excited to see the kids playing in the little pool. He couldn’t wait to do his business elsewhere…
Emmett is a rescue from second hand hounds in Minnesota. He’s very sweet but he hoards and chews everything! I was pet sitting and took my engagement ring off and Emmett climbed on the table and ate it! After a trip to the vets and a little “doggy ex lax” my ring returned In the flower bed. Emmett hasn’t learnt his lesson a few minutes later he was stealing an iPhone!
Thought it was very quiet in the house till I found this walking down the hall – Bear had stolen my underwear, put it on and decided to walk around the house like this.
“I got the top bunk”
Our French Bulldog, Cougar, has no shame finding a soft spot to lay in. Even if that soft spot is a person, an expensive couch, a towel on the floor, or a pillow on top of his brother’s (our Olde English Bulldog, Gunner) crate.
Our Finnish Lapphund wrecks every toy she gets, so now a hard plastic pot is the only thing that holds up to her strong jaw!
Benny the Cocker/Retriever mix blames the pillow for starting the fight