For Halloween, Zoso decided she could carve a pumpkin while we went inside to find the supplies in which to do so.
The dog helped us carve pumpkins!

For Halloween, Zoso decided she could carve a pumpkin while we went inside to find the supplies in which to do so.
Memphis, my 8 year old German Shepherd is laying in what remains of my daughter’s Halloween stash. Memphis went into my daughter’s room, removed the pumpkin candy bag (pictured behind Memphis) from my daughter’s play table, carried it into another room and ate EVERY LAST PIECE including a KING size Hershey Bar. Conservative estimates are that she ate about a pound and a half of candy and chocolate. The vet is still amazed that she didn’t die!
Our shi tzu all dressed up but cant manage to figure out how to walk in her booties yet.
“The vet removed a button from my stomach that I ate (sorry I have to wear this)”
$1000 later…the Button is out and Bubba is back to eating everything he sees! Can’t be mad at that face.
One of dog shaming: the book‘s contributors, Sharon, sent us a picture of her dog looking quite perplexed. Would you look at that face?
We took Dennis on a long country walk. Upon finding a pile of fox poop,, he decided to smother himself in it,. Like he does every single time he finds some.
Sadie likes to help herself…also known as “steal” bakery treats whenever I am busy or distracted.
Harvey the dog has destroyed the sofa once and for all.
Lulu ate her brothers’ first birthday cake
Punky is afraid of her water dish, which is one of those water-cooler style dispensers. She approaches it timidly and sips very quickly until it bubbles at her. The noise surprises her every time, even though we’ve had that dish for three years. She’s so afraid of it that I couldn’t even get her to sit next to it to take this picture.