Tilly pees on her toys. We bet no one ever tries to take them away from her!
That’s one way to avoid sharing

Tilly pees on her toys. We bet no one ever tries to take them away from her!
Frank has expensive taste in sunglasses. But look how cool he looks!
We think Fargo is sort of embarrassed by how descriptive his sign is.
Bella hates riding in the dinghy and always jumps off the first chance she gets. She doesn’t usually go far, but this time she ran into the nearby restaurant and pooped right on the carpet in front of the hostess station! She didn’t act the least bit sorry or shameful!
Ernie’s owners felt their hardwood floors might not be cozy for him to sleep on, so they bought him this bed. He… customized it!
Donatello is a plant-eating jerk. He has breached the barricade three times to eat the pumpkin plants and has now moved on to eating the zucchini plants.
Morgan usually has trouble jumping, but not when left unattended with some lasagna.
Since Lucky’s owners don’t have carpet, he just rubs his butt on the furniture instead!
Laika decided to eat her Mom’s lunch. She claims that she was safety-tasting it, but we think she just wanted to sneak a sandwich…