You never realize how many people don’t clean up after their pet until you either accidentally step in it or you are constantly trying to prevent your dog from trying to eat the stuff.
Give a hoot, pick up your (dog’s) poop!

You never realize how many people don’t clean up after their pet until you either accidentally step in it or you are constantly trying to prevent your dog from trying to eat the stuff.
Hi. I’m Captain Morgan, a one year old, 85lb German Shep/Great Pyrenees puppy. I was playing so nicely with my sister, Ginger Ale, that my owners left us outside while they got dressed. They must have forgotten to leave the door open, so I climbed in through the kitchen window.
Late one Saturday night, Jacket took off after an unseen animal. Any guesses as to what animal it was?
Spike is a one year old Boston Terrier. He learned today about the (newly installed) drip line and how much water comes flying out. He knows he’s busted.
This is what the living room looked like after Magoo had a few friends over for New Year’s Eve .
The rat was already dead – she took it out of a rat trap. Not the best way to start the year!
We couldn’t find any confetti, so we used a pillow instead!! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014!!
Oh Emma. Just hope none of your antics end up on the internet. Oh wait.
During the countdown for New Year’s Eve, when he thought everyone was distracted, this dog slyly tried to become intimate with a guest’s arm. When asked if he felt remorse, he replied “I’d do it again.”