Came home to find smeared poop all over my living room, a dirty robot vacuum, and a totally shameless pug.
Cleaning up after the cleaner

Came home to find smeared poop all over my living room, a dirty robot vacuum, and a totally shameless pug.
Our stinky girl!!
I’m afraid of wet grass. (Someone’s paws are just a little too dainty)
I ate my dad’s new boots – so he brought new ones – and I ate those too
Charlie was a constant chewer, which he has now outgrown thankfully … But he doesn’t look remorseful at all
“I peed on my mom’s bed but felt so bad, I put MYSELF in time-out. I’m so sorry mom, it won’t happen again. Love, Macy”
I’ve never had this problem before; I don’t know what came over me. I felt so bad about what I did, I put myself in my kennel for time-out. Not even mom saying it was ok could coax me out of there before I had finished my own time-out sentence. But I guess that’s what I get; I’m so embarrassed. And in case you were wondering, no I’m not a puppy…I’m eight years old! Anyway, sorry again mom!
My name is Lolly and I’m a 2 year old Border Terrier. I destroyed my parents’ duvet and Egyptian cotton sheets. I knew I was being bad but I did it anyway. I ran away and hid before my parents saw. I’ll probably do it again.
This cat (name unknown) thinks that we leave blankets out just for her. Caption reads: “I don’t even live here!”
Shimano loves to snuggle in the bed in the wee hours of the morning. On this day he just ate his breakfast too fast and couldn’t keep it down…at least not the first time.
My husband woke up in the middle of the night and heard water trickling. He got out of bed to find Isis scampering out of the shower. Turned on the light and there was evidence in the drain!
Somebody likes Peanut Butter!