Crowder was so excited for his new nighttime friends, he didn’t even think to wake his owners up before they left with all the electronics.
Intruder Alert!

Crowder was so excited for his new nighttime friends, he didn’t even think to wake his owners up before they left with all the electronics.
I decided to “help” mom clean out the fridge.
– Dexter
I cleaned out a lot of old food out of the fridge this morning. The bag was too heavy to lift so I left it for Daddy. After coming back from an errand I found this. My year and a half old Goldendoodle, Dexter, totally demolished (as in there’s no proof it was ever in the garbage in the first place) a large bowl of spaghetti, two hot dogs, a WHOLE chicken (bones and all), a box of Oreos, and the leftover remnants of last nights full rack of ribs. This will be a VERY long day! I was just telling someone what a good boy he’s been….
My husband heard a noise in the kitchen and found our 2-year-old lab, Baxter, trying (unsuccessfully) to hid the proof that he had been in the trash can again.
My parents had friends over. Silly kids left pizza box open. Who wants plain cheese when you can have spicy hot jalapeƱo pizza? My poor tummy. I threw up all over the house while my family was sleeping. I am sorry.
I like to race mom up the steps. Last night I tripped her and broke her foot. Now she needs a cast and I don’t get to go for a run in 8-12 weeks.
“I poop on yoga mats.”
According to my pug, Bunsen, there is nothing more zen than finding a huge pile of pug poop on your yoga mat after a long, stressful day at work. Namaste everyone!
I refuse to go potty in my own yard. -Macchi
I eat Raccoon poop and I LKE IT!
I am fostering two formerly feral kittens who are being socialized with people and dogs. My dog Lady loves the kittens and is very gentle with them. She usually exercises a lot of restraint when I feed them. I stepped out of the room for a moment and unfortunately left the crate door open. I returned to find her licking their bowl clean.
We have owned Stella, Clyde and Gerty all since they were babies. First Stella, 6 months later Clyde then a year later Gerty. Now with three black pugs it is kind of hard to tell who’s causing the trouble when we are not around, so no one gets scolded because they are too sneaky to do anything right in front of us!