Love him xxx
I barf because I care

Love him xxx
Brothers Teddy and Wendell take care of business
Getting ready for school for my rescue boxer banyan. It’s for dogs with some issues. She’s from the streets of LA & ended up in a high kill shelter! Now she’s living large & getting some better manners. She has two Rhodesian ridgeback brothers & we love her!!!
I ate a dollar.
I refuse to walk home on a leash. I prefer to ride in style. This is our neighbours dog, Morgan, who comes over to play. When it is time to go home she lays down and won’t move. This is the only way we can take her home.
“Normally I just try to find food on the counters, sometimes I try to steal it out of people’s hands….. today I don’t know why my dad left the lid of the food container but woohoo!!!!”- Hazel
Maddy, our 45-pound beagle, is very loveable but extremely lazy. Even as a puppy, she was lazy.
Our sweet Havanese puppy Malfoy has still not outgrown the puppy stage of biting. We’re working on it and love him anyways.
Editor’s note: Malfoy in French means bad faith. You might have brought this upon yourselves!
He is a sock eater and likes to poop out colors for us all
While puppy-sitting my friend’s Maltese, she found her way into the bathroom, and pooped…on the wall.