“My name is Summer and I’m a naughty dog. My boyfriend took my collar off… And I helped eat it.”
“My name is Kirby and I’m a naughty dog. I took my girlfriend’s collar off… And then I ate it.”
The couple that eats together, stays together.

“My name is Summer and I’m a naughty dog. My boyfriend took my collar off… And I helped eat it.”
“My name is Kirby and I’m a naughty dog. I took my girlfriend’s collar off… And then I ate it.”
June loses her mind when it comes to anything with wheels. Be it trucks, bicycles, skateboards, you name it. The worst, however, is when she goes into attack-mode over babies in strollers or people in wheelchairs. It’s not you, it’s your wheels.
“I drag my toys out 1 by 1 and leave them in the kitchen for mom to trip over and fall.” – This is Rowdy. He is a one year old boxer. He loves his toys. All. Of. Them. He must be surrounded by them at all times.
I ate a pound of steak while Dad folded laundry. Dad never folds laundry. Mom is pissed.
“If I sneeze on mom’s food and face while she eats, I will get some. Most of the time I am right. No shame here and I
will do it again soon! Love, Bo”
I peed on the kitchen trash can (and I just went for a walk).
The highlight of this escapade was that Richie looked me right in the eyes as he did it. I suppose it’s my own fault for a) not believing that’s what he was actually about to do, and b) having a kitchen trash can for him to pee on.
“I wake up my parents nearly EVERY night to let me out to potty – I’m so cute, I always get my way!” –Toby
Django the retired racing greyhound chased his sister across the house and failed to put on the brakes in time.
My little long haired mini doxie, Chloe, dug a hole under the fence and went after one of our free range chickens. The chicken ran away and hid under the camper where it promptly died from fright!! Crazy girl.
I taught myself to open cupboards…mmm tomato soup!