I came into my mom’s life shortly after the loss of her first furbaby and have always been able to make her laugh and smile, no matter what mood she’s in, with my antics and strange faces.
Linus the handsome mug

I came into my mom’s life shortly after the loss of her first furbaby and have always been able to make her laugh and smile, no matter what mood she’s in, with my antics and strange faces.
I ate the fish food and the high growth pellets!!!
Charlie the labradoodle is fascinated by the tropical fish, he sits watching them for ages, we all went out for dinner and when we came back he had eaten all the fish food and high growth pellets….. His breath stank for days after !!!
Wanda is a Seeing Eye Dog Puppy who is very curious and loves to chew and eat anything that belongs to her Mum!
This is Amber, my staffordshire cross. She loves playing with my chickens and has never hurt any of them!
Fred loves his chicks
“I love to eat sand-crabs at the beach. I need my protein! -Gidget”
Gidget’s favorite part of her morning walk on the beach is digging for those delectable little treats.
I “pleasure myself” on the staircase–slowly; one step at a time–EVERY time I descend it. I always keep people waiting, waiting, waiting for me at the foot of the stairs.
Got home from a long day at work. Made a nice bath to relax and dusty not only opened the bathroom door but jumped in and joined me. So much for being relaxed.
Lupin was 6 months old when she decided to eat our wall. She didn’t seem to feel a bit bad.
“I check to make sure the crib is safe, EVERY time Mommy puts the baby in it. -Marty”
He scrambles to get ahead of me, sometimes waking up the baby in the process, and sniffs the crib before letting me put the her in it.