We compete over everything. My humans attention, who can eat the fastest, who can listen better. We also must mark the same spot at the same time! My human always has to watch us so we don’t get daily baths.
Missed Marks

We compete over everything. My humans attention, who can eat the fastest, who can listen better. We also must mark the same spot at the same time! My human always has to watch us so we don’t get daily baths.
In honour of “Get Caught Reading” month, we’re featuring a few dogs who were caught reading the dogshaming book!!
“Mr. George has a hunger for knowledge”…but really he just likes the taste of book binding glue. Don’t leave any books unattended or at dog level.
Our beagle, Moby, dragged a fully sealed box that contained a bone, among other things, 50+ feet to the far corner of the living room. The only thing extracted from the box was the bone. As you may imagine, Moby was very pleased with himself.
Hi. My name is Moby. I dragged a sealed box into the living room, ripped open the bottom, dug out what I was looking for, tore off the plastic wrap, and was happily chewing my new bone when mom came home.
Chester got out of the house and ran over to the neighbour’s house – where he found an unattended, open grill. He helped himself like it was his job. Oh, and the unfortunate grill owner had guests visiting that he intended to feed.
Helios the cat thinks he’s a dog. He loves belly rubs, his meow sounds like a bark, and he loves people.
“I ate an entire box of fundips and now I have green paws.” – While home alone, Jackson, my blue heeler/lab mix gorged himself on a box of fundips left on the table. He would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for the sugar coating the entire living room and his mysteriously green paws.
Just got my copy of the book, and it is hilarious you did such a great job, thank you!
In honour of “Get Caught Reading” month, we’re featuring a few dogs who were caught reading the dogshaming book!!
Luna had a bad night and pooped on the dining room carpet and peed in the hallway. During the big clean up and lecture, Luna couldn’t care less but Beemo the pug was bumming around like a guilty puppy. They wanted to set the record straight.
Sometimes I poop on my parent’s bed. Or my brother’s. Get over it.
“I bark non-stop if the neighbour opens her bathroom window.” Bathroom windows aren’t meant to be opened and I’m determined to crack down on any infractions.