This is Bubs. He got a little nervous the other night when a friend was talking to him through a paper towel roll. In his attempt to get away from the evil roll, he knocked down a painting in the living room and really scared himself. He ran over to mom’s purse and peed on it. He was immediately ashamed of himself and tried to hide his embarrassment with a nearby sheet. All the neighborhood dogs are laughing at this ‘fraidy cat.
Our corgi howls at the television any time the Geico “hump day” or the Dish “we gotta get outta here!” commercials come on. No matter what is going on, even if he is in a different room. He treats it as if it’s his job to howl. Every. Single. Time. And so we sit and laugh at him. Every. Single. Time.
We came back from London to find that “Cash” ate the money we left for our dog sitter/nephew. Btw, my nephew said before we left that he wouldn’t take any money for dog sitting…..Cash must have overheard.