I ate a bowl of papier-mâché (& I liked it).
I wanted to do a piñata!

I ate a bowl of papier-mâché (& I liked it).
Shelby is a 9-month old Great Dane “puppy.” She has taken a liking to licking the brick wall in the living room. Frequently she can be found making her way across the wall, licking the bricks like an ice cream cone.
Ozzie, my 7 month old Mini Schnauzer, has been an exceptional puppy on all fronts……with one exception. His appetite for my glasses….wherever they may be located, is insatiable. Happily, I’m using his addiction as an excuse to buy a pair I’ve wanted for years…a pair that will be insured!
“But Mumma, memory foam tastes SO GOOD!!”
Apparently, the giant, delicious beef bones he loves aren’t enough…
Just an unrepentant beggar.
Harry the mini labradoodle from Bedford, NH sitting innocently in the driver’s side of his mom’s car.
Our puppy Cotton was mad that we wanted to sleep in instead of waking up to play with her. So she ate my flowers and left them all over the porch.
“I ate mom’s flowers.”
We got the couch monster mom. It took a lot of digging, but don’t worry, you’re safe now!!
We love our puppy son even when he is bad!
I like to stalk mommy and every time she goes to the bathroom I follow her and rub my body on her legs and lick her feet, cause I’m weird and I love her!