“When the Petsmart guy went to scan my microchip…I got scared and pooped on the floor!”
Every now and then my Mom likes to get my microchip scanned to make sure my info is correct. The guy at Petsmart scared me so much with the handheld scanner so I pooped a little on the floor.
One day after Fisher turned one year old, and after we have successfully left him in the house while gone for work the whole day without incident, I came home to this. I was just trying to be nice so he wouldn’t have to sit out in the rain all day.
Miss Lucy is very friendly, especially in the elevator. If you’ve just come from the gym, she especially loves you! You are tasty! Luckily, we have many kind neighbours who don’t freak out too much over her attention.
Ironically, the day before I ate this…I chewed up a yellow dish sponge. I’m sorry, but I’ll probably destroy something else tomorrow while you’re gone.