“We teamed up to eat an entire bag of orange cookies in less than 10 minutes. We are like really bad ninjas.”
I ran to the gas station and came back less than 10 minutes later. Jasper and Winnie had stolen a bag of sealed cookies off the table, chewed a hole in the bag, and devoured 2 dozen freshly made cookies before I got home!
Benson loves cat poo; So much that we had to buy a baby gate to block his access to the litter box. Giving the cat “dis-taste got expensive, and didn’t work. Also, we’ve learned that Benson was consuming far more feces than we had originally thought….gross.
I am going away for 2 weeks, and spent my day off trying to get everything perfect and organized for my little “angel” to go to board. I spent over an hour individually packing over 75 meals to make it easier on the people taking care of him. Now, I get to do it all over again. He’s really a very good dog normally. This was so out of character and completely out of the blue…what a butthead!
My frenchie Rambo farts all the time. So I didn’t think much of it when we were enjoying a snuggle on the couch and he let it rip. Little did I know until I stood up that I got more than I bargained for, in the form of a greasy poop stain on my pants.