“I took a dump on mom’s chest while she was napping.”
I need to get something off my chest

“I took a dump on mom’s chest while she was napping.”
Buoy does not respect the authority!
I stole mommy’s credit card right out of her purse. I am not ashamed. Shopping spree at pet smart?
When my mom was busy entertaining guests in another room, I ate half a pot of potato leek soup warming on the stove.
No regrets, except that now I have gas….lots of gas.
I like to eat 3D glasses!
This is Alex my 3 year old dachshund. He uses his nose to go into the empty bathroom and then the door shuts behind him and he’s stuck inside. He does this at minimum 5 times a day EVERY day. He whines and cries to be let out… then acts like nothing ever happened afterward. He never learns. LOL
Almost every morning, my black lab/pitbull mix wakes me up by dropping her chewed up tennis ball on my face.
I steal my sister’s toys while she’s at school. I lick the couch a lot.
Our dog accidentally let out a little toot and seemed embarrassed by it.
Caught red handed eating her bed 🙁