Rocco, the pug, ran into the new neighbours’ house (they just moved in yesterday) and pooped on their floor. Welcome to the neighborhood!
Welcome Wagon!

Rocco, the pug, ran into the new neighbours’ house (they just moved in yesterday) and pooped on their floor. Welcome to the neighborhood!
I ate my little sister’s Birthday Present.
Although incredibly adorable, this little guy doesn’t have the best manners.
“I like to sneeze in my mom’s mouth when she yawns.”
Stupid cat tricked me again.
(The mule urine was equally bad as skunk spray. Shampoos were no good.)
Sign said: “I soaked myself in mule urine, my favorite perfume, just before attending a wedding. My human partner had to pour vinegar all over me to neutralize the odor.”
Oscar trying to play off that we found the bread bag he so coy-ly tried to stash under the couch
“I ate all the bread”
His tennis ball was stuck under the sofa and Bandit did his best to get it out. When he failed, he said “…well I guess I will just eat the rest of the house now”. He ate CDs, computer paper, two shoes, and a sock after his failed attempt on the sofa.
“I bite my Auntie Jenn’s bum when she dances.”
Willis is a 4 year old Boxer who loves his Auntie unconditionally – except when she dances. Auntie Jenn shakes her hips when a good song comes on the radio or tv and Willis disapproves. However the little nibble on the tush doesn’t stop Auntie Jenn from dancing, it just makes her laugh and leads to a fun play time!
I steal socks and use them for treats as ransom
I ate my mom’s expensive (non-toxic) blue paint.