Moose was mad that I left him for an hour to go to the gym. So he decided to join Team He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
The Dog Who Ate The Boy Who Lived

Moose was mad that I left him for an hour to go to the gym. So he decided to join Team He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
Bruce has an acquired taste for Chapstick..cherry is his favourite flavour.
My son left his bedroom door open when he went to school, and Percy helped himself to the hermit crab food.
“I love to eat moms things while she’s gone. Guess whos in trouble?”
Stella decided we needed new carpet.
This is Piper. She’s a 7 year old Bichon Poodle mix. This sign reads, “i eat a dozen cookies off the counter and puke around the house and in my gma’s mustang.”
He won’t stop chasing skunks! Then he gets depressed when he stinks.
I’ve eaten so many LEGOS,
I can poop a star wars ship!
I ate a $5 bill, to save you the trouble of buying delicious toys, socks, and Victoria’s Secret panties that I also love to eat. Not Sorry.
Love Bear
Penni enjoys shredding all forms of paper into piles all around the house. There is no limit to her paper choice and has included bills and other mail, trash, toilet paper, and even the kid’s homework. Too bad “my dog ate my homework” is the oldest excuse in the book because with our dog-hamster around it can be and has been legit!