My Brittany Spaniel Daisy Eats all Paper related items
Blueprint Bustin’ Brittany

My Brittany Spaniel Daisy Eats all Paper related items
I ate the dog training manual.
Daisy chews up rolls of toilet paper whenever she gets the chance. She is not sorry. How can you shame someone that has no shame?
When I had the runs, I pooped on my mom’s favorite chair…the one with the silkscreened Italian linen slipcover (that she made herself). The chair was stacked with boxes, but I managed anyway! I’m all better now, thanks!
“Tennis Ball Murderer – Vera”
Vera needs a tennis coach!
Hi, my name is Lady , or “Stop That” or “Bad Dog”, I recently found that I like swimming in the toilet, Mom didn’t think that was very funny at all. I will do it again if you leave the lid up.
“When mom tries to cuddle me, I get scared and run under the table. I think mom is crazy. I still love you… sometimes… – Kyah”
Jolie waits until we leave the house to do a food sweep every day. I’ve gotten really good about picking up anything that remotely smells like food but forgot about the pop tarts I put in my daughter’s College Care Package. The box was triple taped but she managed to break in. I found it hiding underneath a table in a corner. She went right for the Pop Tarts and has been pooping them for the past 48 hours. She is right, I am still mad at her but am glad that she seems to be feeling better.
Rocco loves to scent roll. He has to make sure it gets on his collar too. Nasty!
Meet Bella. The least-guilty, burrito eating Rat-Cha in the West!