Kenzie loves to eat things that are left on the counter. The latest victim? Halloween cookies!
I can do math!

Kenzie loves to eat things that are left on the counter. The latest victim? Halloween cookies!
Although the glasses, including the progressive lenses now speckled with teeth marks, are beyond salvageable, we will count ourselves lucky. After all, we have had Chili for two years and this is his first major offense! And we agree: The cat egged him into it.
I brought my mommy a dead rat as a gift. She was not happy! (EWWWWW)
I like to break out of my crate and poop on the coffee table -Kora
Bad Basset
Taco is 7 months old and even though he has many yummy things to chew he chose to chew on a laptop battery. He successfully punctured it and had to go to the emergency vet. They gave him barium which he spit out all over me. A tough day for all. Just glad he’s okay!
Gizmo: “I assume that all tractors are out to get me.”
Snuggles: “I only bark at tractors because Gizmo barks at tractors.”
Aurora was tired of watching Supernatural so she destroyed the DVD remote. Now I cant use my dvd player.
Frosting? Ate it. Candy? Most of it. Graham crackers? Not so much…
Trixie ate our daughter’s early Halloween candy haunted house. And she’d do it again.
“I disagree with Mom’s taste in hats.” – #FreemanPibble
My rescue pit bull Freeman has been with me for 2 weeks. In the last two days he’s decided my hats just had to go. He tore down the hat rack to get at the fedora. I hadn’t even worn the black one yet….