One minute I was playing with the bees, the next thing I knew they were in my mouth!!
Posts Categorized: Submitted
Bella likes to take my dirty underwear out of the pile of laundry and chews the crouch out. These I didn’t notice until after I had washed them AND packed them for a trip. Needless to say, I went panty shopping on the road!
But I Wanted to Ride the Bus!
I broke my leash and tried to find my “brother” at the bus stop until the neighbours spotted me. Oops 😢
Looking for Treats
Missy is on the constant look-out for a dog treat. Today, she thought she could find one in our closet. No luck.
Willie Nillie
“Hello, I’m Willie. I get scolded for hiking my leg and peeing on the patio hot tub every chance I get. Who needs an acre of grass anyway?”
Crunchy Art is the Best Art
I ate a five year old’s macaroni necklace because I have no impulse control and even less self-respect. – Gertie
She Knows What She Did
I Stole Pie
I’m Feeling Lucky
Chi-weenie being naughty
Ball-sy Move
I wanted to play with the neighbour’s ball, so I opened our gate, opened their gate, fetched the ball, brought it back to our garden and chewed it to pieces.
Selt-Suficient Treat Bandit
The sign says it all!