I picked a fight…
Then, I got hurt…
Now I have to wear
the collar of shame.
Tough-Guy Mosby
Pick a fight, wear the cone

I picked a fight…
Then, I got hurt…
Now I have to wear
the collar of shame.
Tough-Guy Mosby
I projectile vomited on my uncle and made him crash his new Mercedes.
(Now I’m banned from his car for life!)
We are bad boys…. We chewed up mom mays hair dryer cord and laptop cord and 3 rolls of toilet paper!!!! Bad dog, no biscuit!!!!!
The only surviving princess is belle…but I’m sure her time is coming soon :/
Bella and Penny stopped burglars from entering our home when they first broke into our garage. They are very brave and got rewarded accordingly. No shame here!
Even though Andy fed me. I still jumped on the table and nibbled on his dinner when he went to the bathroom.
“I pulled everything out of the beanbag chair.”
The night before Thanksgiving, our Goldendoodle Puppy, Zeke, decided to eat 2 sewing needles. Our older daughters had been sewing popcorn on threads and left them unattended for a few minutes… Zeke decided to eat the popcorn, thread, AND needles! He is completely unashamed.
Bella the Basset and Pickles the (?) thought the Halloween Haul was for everyone. They often work as a team . . . They are SO not sorry!
“My name is Lucy. I’m 3 years old and still sleeping with my teddy. I’m not ashamed.”