“I pooped in the shower and my dad turned on the water and it made a HUGE mess”
Hot Boxing the Shower

“I pooped in the shower and my dad turned on the water and it made a HUGE mess”
Andromeda (Andi for short) stole a co-workers sandwich on the sly and ate the whole thing. Now she looks like a bloated whale, waddles when she walks and her farts smell like boiled eggs..
Our friend Stacie over at barkbox shared this picture with us!
This girl Andi is known to hop up and steal Chinese food off desks but today was a doozy. But you know about those Doxie problems!
I make the plumber throw my ball. I’m not sorry, I LOVE my ball! BoBo
My name is Tao. I steal the cat’s food and then my farts are so diabolical it makes my mom sleep with a noseplug.
I went out to get Colby and his neighbour friend Willow. As I was walking into the field, I see something coming at me. Turns out it wasn’t one of the dogs, but a large deer. Colby is about 5 seconds behind him with Willow bringing up the rear. At the moment, I thought it was really funny/entertaining…until Colby came back and I saw him covered in burrs. With his soft hair, it took an hour to get it all out, and his tail couldn’t be saved. I had to cut a lot of his hair off his tail.
Angus has been “helping” us prepare for the arrival of his first human sibling by destroying anything he considers un-necessary including: his sleep mat, flip flops, a down pillow, and a few pairs of sneakers. Just doing his duty as big-brother-to-be!
Tucker likes to knock the trash can over when momma forgets to put it up.
Don’t let his size fool you…he’s only 6 months old. He had previously spilled water on my phone, forcing me to get a new one. I then come home to a crate with the corner chewed out of the bottom and berber carpet pulled up, chewed up, and in a pile. I am NOT looking forward to the phone call to the landlord…or the bill for the new carpet. As I was trying to clean up the carpet, he threw up carpet bits right next to me. Thanks, Aero! You definitely live up to the puppy reputation.
Our Golden retriever puppy, Yogi. He is 9 1/2 weeks old.
My dogs teamed up on me to try fake an escape and to get the breakfast tacos. #success