I grabbed $5 out of mom’s purse and chewed it. That’s right, I ate MONEY.
That’s So Money

I grabbed $5 out of mom’s purse and chewed it. That’s right, I ate MONEY.
I can jump 5 feet in the air to catch the neighbours chicken in mid flight, but I wont play Frisbee.
PS. The chicken lived.
I did what Shane, the Governor, and 4 seasons of walkers couldn’t do…I killed Rick Grimes!
Love, Jasmine
“When my parents turned around, I was eating out of the cat dish– as fast as I could.” The shocked cat still had her face in the dish but had forgotten to keep chewing.
This is my family’s new rescue puppy Bella. We got her after my other dog passed away (he was 14). Apparently my family forgot how fun the puppy years are.
(Update- apparently she isn’t afraid of the mop, vacuum, or snowblower. Uh oh!)
Editor’s note: Katie sent me a very sweet message that dogshaming lifted her spirits when she was down. I’m so happy that this site brings joy to so many people. Thanks Katie!!
Bentley often gets the cardboard tubes with treats in when the kitchen roll is empty but really couldn’t wait and tried to empty it for us!!
I didn’t want to go outside in the rain, so I peed in the basement. My mom stepped in it.
I’m a jerk.
Fozzie likes getting “intimate” with the bear.. It needs a wash now..
“I eat the heels off my mums high heels, ( including her wedding shoes)”
I find my 6 month old pug Beasley in my closet eating my heels on a very regular basis, she doesn’t touch my other shoes, but she is banned from the closet now.
Laredo is afraid of the garbage truck and try’s to get outside every time it goes by.