I ate an entire container of raw Pillsbury biscuit dough. And now I’m terribly constipated.
One Biscuit Short of a Picnic

I ate an entire container of raw Pillsbury biscuit dough. And now I’m terribly constipated.
Honey is always stealing and eating Sugar’s (Big Sister) toys, food, and hugs.
Macy and Gucci are a bonded pair, located in Cookeville, TN and available for adoption through A.A.R.F. (All About Rescue & Fixin’). When it’s cold Macy (Xoloitzcuintli/Mexican Hairless) and Gucci (Chihuahua) want to snuggle together under their blanket and refuse to get out of bed when their foster momma calls them to go outside. They don’t see anything wrong with staying warm and snuggly, and think it’s totally unfair they are the ones being shamed. If you would love to have these tiny snuggle bugs to help keep you warm and cozy you can read up on them here:
I ate an entire pound cake. And I still want dinner.
My kitty, Jingle Belle, was missing for 2 days. Somehow she got out but we’re not sure how. Zoi usually barks at her all day and all night so we figured Zoi might have secretly let the kitty out. Jingles came back and Zoi ‘fessed up!
No matter who it is, the minute someone walks through our gate and they bend down to say hello, she pees on their feet. The family and I have learnt to stand with our feet 2 foot apart to get away from the leak.
“Lucy! You got some ‘splainin’ to do!”
Mommy and Daddy took away my ball because it was driving them mad! But I got them back by turning my bowl into a nosier toy.
My mom spent hours cutting out tiny letters for her phonics lessons. I spent 5 minutes chewing them up.
Casey the Beagle has a nose for trouble- and fruity flavoured lip balm. Her boy, age 12, did not close the gate and she discovered a new lemon EOS lip balm in her sister’s (age 10) room. Her Westie fur brother, Petey, had no comment on the matter. Needless to say, constipation is not an issue!