This is the third doggy bed daddy has brought home and this is the third doggy bed Ellie has destroyed in a matter of 4 months of being home!!!

This is the third doggy bed daddy has brought home and this is the third doggy bed Ellie has destroyed in a matter of 4 months of being home!!!
My name is Ziggy and I lie! When mommy sleeps in and daddy feeds me breakfast I lie to mommy and tell her I haven’t eaten so she gives me a Second Breakfast. Love my breakfast. (I think I’m a Hobbit.)
We can’t figure out where Mandy is hiding our spoons and socks. Only one sock per pair, and we’ve gone through at least 20 spoons. Since she’s come inside with cobwebs on her nose, I have to assume she has a hoard under the deck. I’m not going under there to search.
Munchkin is 10 years old and I’ve had her since she was 7 weeks old. A typical food crazy dachshund, she steals food from anyone who isn’t savvy to her thieving ways. A horrible beggar as well, but completely unashamed of any and all inappropriate behaviour.
This is Cookie Monster she loves to destuff her toys even her favorite toys
My Frenchie decides to eat some cat treats, his human sister came home, picked him up, he proceeded to give her smelly Frenchie Kisses
Dustin is our beautiful two year old Vizsla who hates us sleeping in. If the bedroom door is shut he will cry until we get up. If the door is open we get a wet nose in the face! This is just one of his misdemeanours.
Heisenberg is starting his own single-shoe collection!
Gregory decided mommy’s cell phone charger looked delicious, so he took a bite…. A few bites…
We were packing up to leave our apartment in Paris after a fun weekend with the dogs. When I came in from loading the car I couldn’t find Enzo. He had crept out the skylight and slid down and got caught in the gutter. So scary for both of us but with a happy ending! I wish I could attach another photo or 2 because it was quite an event!