“I eat crayons. Later, I poop rainbows.” Harvey, our yellow lab, devours crayons if they are left out. Then he has rainbow poop– literally. My kiddo included her artistic rendition of it on the sign. Perhaps Harvey longs to be a unicorn?
Our 1 year old Black Lab Trooper likes to take anything that is posted on the fridge, our new 2015 Calendar was the latest casualty, apparently he was hoping for an appearance on the 2016 calendar.
This is Lupe our so-cute-you-can-ignore-her-evil chihuahua mix. Her caption reads “Sometimes I absentmindedly chew on the coffee table. Not sure what I am supposed to be ashamed of…”
This is the picture I sent to my IT Vice President after my dog, Cosmo, peed on my workbag…with my brand new work laptop in it. The laptop still works after a few days of drying out, but now there are weird (urine!) bubbles behind the screen. I am a College Professor, so I might be a little more lenient when students give bizarre excuses (“I couldn’t get that paper in, because my dog peed on my laptop!”) for not getting their work in on time.