I like to sneak frozen donkey poop inside and eat it on the living room carpet!

I like to sneak frozen donkey poop inside and eat it on the living room carpet!
The look on her face was one clue it was her,
The other clue came later.
Naughty Marlee mauled our homemade bread while we were at church this morning.
He decided to follow along with our lab and tip the trash can and open the lid to get some yummy goodness.
“I barfed all over myself….so I had to get a bath!”
Valkyrie rolls in poo snow, Roland helps clean her fur
Hatfield and McCoy were left alone for less than 2 hours and decided to redecorate. I guess carpet really isn’t their thing!
Delta Magnolia Dawn is a great dog, she never eats phone chargers, power cords, underwear, dog beds, shoes or garbage. She will dig in the cat box if given the opportunity…. But because she is special and in getting ready to have surgery, she gets away with it without being shamed. She was just born with resting shame face….which is precious.
My master yelled at me for sleeping on her bed. I, in return, ate her ear buds. Now we’re even!
I waited until my owner fell asleep and helped myself to the cake