I snatched baby Jesus out of the manger and chewed him up.
Sacrilicious Cradle Robber

I snatched baby Jesus out of the manger and chewed him up.
I can’t be trusted when left alone with delicious bedsheets. #itsamiracle #sorryimnotsorry
My English Bulldog, Pepper Potts, comes to work every day. This was the first time I ever caught her in the cat-crunchies at work. (Frequent offender at home) Her Kong bed is not even 2 hours old in this pic.
The first of many shames, I’m sure. Still, can’t be mad at that face too long!
If my owner doesn’t walk me as soon as they get home I poop and pee on the rug.
I left to go to school; he never likes being alone. So he took out his vengeance on my pajamas.
I pooped in the front seat of my owners Ute, then sat in it. It took ages to clean me up then he had to clean the Ute. The smell lasted for days.
Editor’s note: a ute isĀ is a term used originally in Australia and New Zealand to describe passenger vehicles with a cargo tray in the rear.
I unzipped a backpack and ate half of a “gargantuan” sub sandwich.
Bad dogs come in pairs. Worse when a male person of the house found the disaster zone and cleaned the shredded feminine product up off the bathroom floor.
“I’ve decided the best way to wake up mom is to SIT on her head!”
Sign reads: I like to chew up used tissues. My human has a cold. YUM!
Henry the long-haired Dachshund recently passed at the old age of 16. He was a good dog but sometimes couldn’t control himself; apparently he loves the taste of snot.