Jaycee, our rescue puppy, found it offensive that we had this book (Bad Dog) so she took care of chewing it up for us! She is “Not a Bad Dog.” – She also was not guilty in the least.
I’m Not a Bad Dog

Jaycee, our rescue puppy, found it offensive that we had this book (Bad Dog) so she took care of chewing it up for us! She is “Not a Bad Dog.” – She also was not guilty in the least.
I ate Mom and Dad’s wedding invitations.
Diesel’s latest destruction….apparently he was tired of slippers and the usual suspects!
I came home last night to find this… a tunnel to China in my backyard! Well I guess he was trying to save us money on plane tickets!
I Have an addiction to cotton stuffing.
Bonnie 1 1/2 yr old. Must pull the stuffing out of EVERY stuffed animal she finds.
This is what I did when my family was at work today.
I’ve always wanted to join the circus!
On my way home, the lid popped open and Max our Staffie sat in the back of the car and licked all the icing off my 3 slices of carrot cake intended for a birthday party. He cannot resist anything sweet…
I eat undies and I’m not sorry. I showed absolutely no remorse when I was caught red-handed ripping holes in a house guest’s underwear. They tasted great!
“I stole the green food coloring while Mom was making cupcakes and made a big mess of myself and the carpet.”
We were gluttons and visited the Cat Box Buffet instead of waiting for our breakfast. Now, we’re too full of crap to eat our expensive food and we smell terrible.