Don’t let Sniper’s innocent face fool you.; he’s chewed several pairs of underwear and has now moved on to socks.
Oh, the irony

Don’t let Sniper’s innocent face fool you.; he’s chewed several pairs of underwear and has now moved on to socks.
I eat people’s dirty socks.
Mom came into the room to fine me chomping on her favorite wool socks! That’s my favorite winter activity.
Hi-Paw – Pappu 🙂
It’s chewed beyond repair!!!!
My name is Tucker and I love to steal my mom and dad’s socks. Sorry I’m not sorry….
Tucker is constantly grabbing our socks! He doesn’t ruin them or anything, just takes them and runs around the apartment with 1, 2, 3 sometimes more socks!
JB has been adopted!!
In the four weeks JB has been with us, he’s eaten almost a dozen of my socks (but, unfortunately, that does not mean six pairs) — and none of my husband’s. But he’s damn cute, hugely loving, and totally adoptable through Last Hope K9 Rescue in Boston, MA!
JB has been adopted!!
I steal socks when my mommy is in the shower!
Hi, my name is Socks! Because of this I believe I own all of the socks in the house. So when mommy and daddy put their socks in the clothes hamper, I tip it over and re-claim my birth-right and stash them under the couch. But then mommy found my stash…guess I need a new hiding spot!
~Socks, the two month old Corgi
“My daddy’s socks have been slowly disappearing… Mommy found this sock in my bed and confronted me about it. I was so ashamed at being caught that I couldn’t look at her.” Poor Charlie knew he had done wrong!
I eat just one sock and leave the other as a memento.
Partners in crime: Watson (left) has a taste for socks, so we don’t leave them out where he can get them. Mesa (right) fishes them out of the laundry and smuggles them to the puppy. Sneaky kitty.