Penny Lane is our 7 month old Dobie and has already learned to to sniff out the socks in the laundry basket. She gathers the socks and lays down with them. She is very proud of her sock treasure!
Penny “Sock Stealer” Lane

Penny Lane is our 7 month old Dobie and has already learned to to sniff out the socks in the laundry basket. She gathers the socks and lays down with them. She is very proud of her sock treasure!
The washer & dryer don’t “steal” your socks….But I DO!!
This is Miss Zoya (4 month old Black Russian Terrier). She will steal any sock she can find. Clean, dirty, she doesn’t discriminate, even though she has her own pair of old socks knotted together just for her.
Rosie will help herself to your sock if you happen to be sitting down; whether your foot is in it or not.
Cargo…. The sock thief…. Loves to keep one from each set as a trophy to remind him how many he has buried
Tango steals all socks- there are many missing pairs in our house since he has lived with us, it is his signature move.
HI my name is Bella. I’m a Cane Corso. I am available to be adopted through Cane Corso Rescue and I live in Conway, AR. I steal socks when you won’t play with me. If you continue to ignore me, I might eat them. I am very good with small dogs and even cats!! I really am a good girl and I do love people. It takes me a few minutes to warm up to strangers (I am a Corso!!!), but once I know you, I trust you. I am a typical female Corso, so I do want to be the head female dog in your house. Because of this, I would do best in a home with a male dogs only. If you’d like more information about me, click here.
I was looking for my sock earlier, but couldn’t find it. Later, when I was taking Ranger to his dog training class, he regurgitated the sock onto the passenger seat of my car. How helpful.
I ate a sock, threw it up, then ate it again. Several times.
Toe Jam is the best!