I skid my butt across the floor of the elevator when there are lots of other people in it.
I Skid My Butt Across The Floor Of The Elevator

I skid my butt across the floor of the elevator when there are lots of other people in it.
(Zoe) Today was the first day my mom and dad trusted me to be out of my crate while they were gone…so I ate the blinds
I turned over a paint can and then rolled around in it. I look pretty good after three baths but you should see the garage, driveway, and on yeah the cat.
Editor’s note: DJ Roomba failure.
My name is Hoagie and I do what I want.
This is Molly, the very shamed Boston Terror Terrier. Her sign says: “I thanked Mommy for bringing me home from the shelter by eating a door frame and two window sills.”
Editor’s note: I really love my rescue dogs. Good on you for taking in a shelter dog!
I destroy blinds and tear them off the wall…all because I saw a cat outside!!!
I like to play in the snow, let it stick to me, and then let it all melt in the house.
…and it gave me itchy splinters in my mouth… SO not worth it!
Editor’s note: I may have frightened my dogs, who were sleeping next to me, when I burst out laughing.