I went to work with dad then destroyed this rug – which was in someone else’s office, not his.
I Went To Work With Dad Then Destroyed This Rug

I went to work with dad then destroyed this rug – which was in someone else’s office, not his.
Note: the dog was only allowed in the front seat for shaming purposes.
I jumped onto a table of pastries at a town fair…
I have never had an accident.. until mom got new white carpeting.
I thought you were never ever coming home so I panicked.
Painter dogs.
Murray is clearly ashamed (and possibly regretting that he didn’t swallow the evidence!)
I bite this door and ONLY this door, but not after 4pm.
After 4:00 the door is no longer a threat to me or my family.
Hi, I’m Mason and I think baseboards are yummy!
I don’t need no stinkin’ shade tree.