I got myself stuck in the bathroom today and I panicked. -Scout
I Got Myself Stuck In The Bathroom Today

I got myself stuck in the bathroom today and I panicked. -Scout
“I hate basil.”
This is Mishka. She doesn’t like it when her humans have to go to school, so she took it out on the basil plant.
This was a sofa arm rest cover. Now it’s my poncho.
I helped paint paw prints on the hardwood floors! Love, Remy
…and the I ate the couch.
I ate the love seat…(to be continued)
The casserole dish had tasty scraps left in it. The plate was in his way.
Shoes and stairs
There was a spider on your chair, Mom, but I got it!
Henry likes to chew the side tables in the living room when we’re at work… Just chewing one of them wasn’t enough so he started on the side of the other… It’s just because he misses us SO much right??